Conference Hotel Samaya has 30 comfortable guestrooms including 36 comfortable beds, which number can be increased to a maximum of 46. All rooms can be booked as single rooms. The rooms all have their own bathrooms, including a wash basin, a shower and a toilet. In each room there are fresh flowers and most of our rooms have ample views of the surroundings or the pretty priory gardens.

Which rooms are there to book:
- 22 single rooms
- 4 twin rooms (which can be booked as a single)
- 4 semi-detached rooms, offering two separate single rooms connected by a door to a joint bathroom
- 7 of the single and twin rooms can be extended into two or multi-person rooms
Above mentioned rooms are equipped with;
- Own bathrooms with shower and own toilet
- All rooms have Auping beds in the size 90 x 200 cm
- In 10 of the bedrooms we have extra long beds (210/220 x 90 cm)
- 8 rooms are furnished with smooth materials making them suitable for people with Asthma or COPD
- One single room has a bathroom suitable for guests who are physically disabled or in a wheelchair (please contact our reception for more information)
On the day of your leave we ask you to leave your room by 9am so we can prepare it for the next guests. After consultation, it is sometimes possible to have longer use of your room on the day of your leave.
Nice to know: each room bears the name of a bush, tree or bird from our garden.